Mobile Health Clinic: Free Medication Reviews

By Jana Bray, Community Relations Director on 02/16/2024 7:48 AM

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Rockcastle Regional’s Mobile Health Clinic is scheduled for its next stop on February 27 at Higher Praise Ministries where free medication reviews will be offered from 4:30pm until 6:30pm.

Free medication reviews, sometimes called “brown bag checks,” allow patients to bring in their bag of medicines they are currently taking and have a Rockcastle Regional pharmacist review those medicines at no cost.

“Medication management is a critical aspect of healthcare, yet it often goes overlooked,” said Melissa Fain, PharmD, director of the inpatient pharmacy at Rockcastle Regional. “Many patients may be taking multiple medications, prescribed by different healthcare providers, which can lead to potential duplicate therapy, drug interactions, adverse events, or inadequate treatment outcomes.”

During the reviews, pharmacists meet one-on-one with the patient, ensuring they understand the purpose of each medication, how it should be taken, and what to expect in terms of potential side effects, and interactions with other medications.

Fain explained that during these reviews, patients have the opportunity to discuss their medications, ask questions, and receive personalized recommendations tailored to their specific healthcare needs.

“These free medication reviews also extend beyond just prescription medications. We encourage patients to bring all of their medications, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements, for a comprehensive assessment of their entire medication regimen.”

If you are interested in getting a free medication review on February 27, you are invited to simply stop by, as walk-ins are welcome, or you can schedule an appointment by calling (606) 256-7381. This event is being held in conjunction with Rockcastle Regional’s annual Love Your Heart event, also held at Higher Praise Ministries.

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